Thursday, November 5, 2009

Googling "Michael Sussilleaux"

I just googled myself. This blog came up, as did my real estate blog "Terra Firma". There were also a fair number of links to various listings on many different websites.

What was missing was anything truly substantive. My CEO position, my engineering work, software development, various masters degrees -- not there. Unfortunately for me, most of what I consider most interesting about Michael Sussilleaux happened pre-google dominance.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Chasing the Buck

I'm considering blogging for cash. In other words, monetizing my real estate blog. I'm reticent though. I see a big downside on the horizon.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I've been walking a lot recently. I've also been eating healthier. It makes a real difference. The hardest part is starting out. Once you're in to it, it gets easier.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Some Dim Sum

Today was a dim sum day. We went to Jing Fong on Elizabeth St. Always great, but unexpectedly expensive this time around. The duck and pork were (relatively) expensive, and not as good as the dumplings. Note to self: Avoid the duck and pork next time.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Heat & Humidity

It's a classic summer in New York. The heat and humidity are out of control. The temperatures are in the 90's -- which is fine -- but with 100% humidity you're never dry. It's uncomfortable to even breathe!

Why is that I live here again?


Saturday, August 8, 2009

City Etiquette

Living in a city is difficult. The more congested the city, the more difficult it is. That's why it's important to remember that what you do affects those around you. While I'm convinced that many of the problems are caused simply because people don't think, there remains a substantial body of discourteous behavior that stems from the all too common sense of entitlement that so many of are afflicted with.

I loathe entitlement. And I loathe people who act entitled.

Too strong? Perhaps. But I don't care. It's true. What's more, I take great pleasure in thwarting the machinations of the entitled who are seemingly always trying to get over on the less assertive.

Here's a classic example:

"Subway Sprawl"

There are "ass-contours", for lack of a better word, molded into the seats of subway trains. The idea is obviously one ass, one seat. No one likes to be squashed in by one's neighbors, so the entitled among us like to sprawl themselves casually over two or three seats, thus detering newcomers from sitting down. Common methods include "the leg spread", "the handbag on the seat", "the recliner", "the cheek straddler" and "the intimidating stare".

Oh, I could go on forever, but I won't. I'll elaborate more in future posts.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Another Friday, another week. The days run into each other, and it doesn't seem like I ever have 24 hours straight where I'm not doing something for work.

I've been hearing more and more stories from friends who are being adversely affected by the "economic downturn". It's a shame. Some of these folks were doing really well. Unfortunately the temptation to live at or beyond one's means is strong, and many of these people have nothing to fall back on. Ugh.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Late Night

Last night was another late night working. The real estate business takes up a lot of time. And not just "time", but "time" that you can't really block out in advance. One is always hurrying from one emergency to another.

At least Dina and I had a little alone time at the diner.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Shake Shack

I ate at Shake Shack today in Madison Park. The time from joining the enormous line to the time I had food in hand was 50 minutes. Normal wait for the Shack, but tiresome nonetheless. (For those of you who don't know me very well, I loathe waiting on lines, but the lure of the food was a siren song)

I opted for a double cheeseburger and a "Shack-ago" hotdog. I've never had a Chicago style hotdog before so it was a first for me. It rocked. I think a trip to Chicago is in order in the not too distant future.

I suppose that if there weren't "bad" hamburgers, "great" ones wouldn't exist because there would be no counterpoint for comparison, but I'm still amazed at how few great hamburgers are out there. Shake Shack burgers are very, very good. Why else would people regularly wait on line for more than an hour just to eat fast -- get it?... "fast" ... irony -- food?

What a gaping hole in the restuarant market!

Monday, July 27, 2009


Hello all. It's Monday, and it looks to be a long week. More later.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Greetings and Salutations!

This is the premier post in my "new" personal blog. I don't have any idea where this is going, but we'll see how it goes. Caveat emptor!